You now have a new way to edit the text on your web pages. (Note: At this time this feature cannot be used to change listings data on real estate sites or product descriptions on shopping cart sites).
Just follow these step to quickly and easily update the text on your website pages
Click on the GS at the bottom of any page on your website
Click on the "EDIT THIS PAGE" button.
If you click on the "MODERN CONTROL PANEL" button you will be taken to the login screen for the new control panel.
If you click on the "LEGACY CONTROL PANEL" button you will be taken to the normal login that you would have previously been taken to when you clicked on the "GS".
If you click on the "EXIT" button, the buttons will all disappear.
User your normal username and password to login.
A window will pop up that indicates that you can edit the page. Click on "START EDITING".
A toolbar will be displayed at the top of page with a variety of styles that can be applied to the text of the page. (More information about the editing features can be found here).
Any sections on the page that are editable will now be outlined with red dots. Any area with outlined with red dots is available for editing. Note: Sometimes not all text inside an editable area is editable.
Place your cursor where you would like to make and edit.
Make your changes
Alternatively, select the text that you would like to apply a style too
Click on the icon in the toolbar for the style you would like to use
Once you are happy with your changes click on the "Save Changes" button.
You will get a pop up window to indicate that your changes have been saved. Click on "Close".
You can now continue editing the page, switch to another page to edit or click the "Logout" button.
Let us know how it goes.