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Automatic reversal of an Invoice

Solution Automatic Reversal of an Invoice – An invoice can be reversed if it is the most recent invoice for the policy and it is from the current period.

To reverse an invoice select a policy from the Customer Service screen to bring up the Policy Information window

Select the invoice to be reversed and click on the Reverse button.
A password box will pop up.

Enter the password and click Okay.

The reversal tracking window will pop up. Select a reason for the reversal.

The list of reasons include: Incorrect Commission, Incorrect Premium, Incorrect Date, Previous Endorsement, Renewal Reversal, Incorrect Company, Incorrect Coverage, Incorrect Billing Method, and Other.

Enter a note further explaining the reason for the reversal and click on the proceed button. A window will pop up indicating that the invoice has been reversed.

If the invoice reversed was the new business invoice the policy will be reverted to a temporary policy. Otherwise the reversed invoice will show up in the invoice list with a Type of REV and a Sub St of XXX.

Reversed invoices will show up as Note to File transactions in the transaction list. They will also be shown on the invoice register with a customer name of Invoice Reversed.
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Article details
Article ID: 1
Category: Invoicing
Date added: 2024-12-01 11:12:18
Views: 1281
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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