Template Web Sites

 There are two main reasons to use one of our template sites

  1. Low Cost - setup is FREE
  2. Speed - a Template site can be set up and running in about 15 minutes - and we'll do it for you. Just call us - 1-866-415-SITE (7483) durring office hours 9:00am - 5:00pm Mon - Fri.

If you are looking for a low cost web site solution, our template sites can be set up for FREE - you just pay the monthly fee for the package you order. Template sites start at $12 per month.

Some of our clients who have ordered a Custom Site Design want to begin creating their site content before the site design is done so they start out with a template site to get things rolling and when their custom site is done, all of the content they created is automatically inserted into the custom design.

To take a look at the templates that are currently available CLICK HERE.